Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror, what do I see
As I stand here gazing?
Countless flaws and social faux pas,
Nothing too amazing.

My eyes are too small,
My teeth aren't all straight,
And I freckle, never tan.
My ears a crooked
Though no one will notice.
They're covered so nobody can.

My legs are too short,
My face is too long,
My hair has a mind of its own.
And I'm still surprised
That I've lived this long
With only one broken bone.

My clothes were on clearance,
My jewelry's homemade,
My shoes are falling apart.
I pay no mind to trends and styles,
And most of my shopping
Is done at Wal-Mart.

But Mirror, there must be something more
Than just the reflection I see,
For God has claimed me as His own,
And He has a different vision of me.

I am washed in the blood
That His Son shed for me,
And I am whiter than snow.
I am His adopted child,
And He loves me so much.
It's more than I could ever know.

He sees my heart,
How it beats for Him,
How I want nothing more than His will.
My life I gave to Him,
And I listen for His command
To act or simply be still.

My passion is His people,
My mission His work,
To show the world His love.
To live in a way
That no one can doubt
I live for God above.

So Mirror, you've deceived me
Because I looked with the human eye.
For my beauty surpasses the natural,
It's the beauty of the Most High.

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